First of all,
in order to escape from Syria where the conflict continues, it was not able to reach a peaceful place and lost its life

In addition, an immigrant ship seeking a peaceful land capsized in the Mediterranean Sea.
To many people who were tired of swimming and lost their lives
I would like to express my deepth to all 1st of you who have been evacuated in search of a peaceful land

.I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Koichi Sawada and team members,
the founders of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project for the European members,

We would appreciate it if you could read it, keeping in mind that there is no reward for the profits earned from the "Mineral Water Project Plan".


                                                                                   Best regards

December 6, 2020
European Board of Trustees' Project
『External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50』
Founder representative  Koichi Sawada

                             Mineral Water Project

『Syrian Economic Reconstruction
           Mineral Water Project plan』

December 6, 2020
Syrian Economic Reconstruction Mineral Water Project Plan

European Board of Trustees' Project『External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50』
Koichi Sawada, the president of the company

First sentence

Conflicts in Syria
It is not easy to end the conflict in Syria.
It is a problem of the country of the world, and there is speculation of each country, too.
Some countries may want to buy and sell weapons to gain strength in profit and retaliation.The Assad regime must not involve other countries.
And you may refuse.

The problems that led to twisted conflicts over the course of several years of conflict may not be solved immediately.

However, considering the future of many Syrians, the human race of the world 
We believe that it is time to solve the "cycle of questioning the true value" once every 100 years.

country that has accepted immigrants and refugees, led by the United Nations 
1st place: Turkey (3.7 million),
2nd place: Pakistan (1.4 million),
3rd place: Uganda (1.2 million people)
4th place: I think that it is a problem of the country of Sudan (1.1 million people) and

the European member state,
but it is also a problem of the country of the world and the human race of the world
as the representative of the European Board of Trustees "External demand-driven economic growth strategy EUS50" project

president Koichi Sawada.In addition,
I think that the speculation of the accepted country is also different.

What is the Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project and Mineral Water Project?
What is the Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project and Mineral Water Project?

To put it simply,

1.End of the conflict in Syria
 Leaders of the United Nations and the world's countries

2.Constructed a mineral water plant to be used in conjunction with migrant and
   refugee hypothesized housing at the location of immigration and refugee camps.

  We entrust manufacturing line processes, safety aspects, hygiene, and crisis management processes that are not dense due to the
    prevention of new coronavirus infection to experts and current Mineral Water Co., Ltd. as the center of the project.
    This allows refugees to live temporarily in hypotheses housing, even in difficult situations where they live outside the camp.

3.Mineral water products made from mineral water factories are sold to countries around the world.
  As a special case, we will eliminate the duty on mineral water supplies and use them as beverages at meetings in countries,
    governments, states, provinces, municipalities, and companies around the world, as well as emergency preserved water.

4.With the proceeds, the construction of a mineral water Syrian plant and
   measures to support the lives of Syrians who want to return home (travel expenses and living funding expenses for returnees to Syria).

5. Reconstructing the joys of life (the joy of living) and the joy of working (the joy of working) of Syrians
   who want to return to Syria with the second and third camps.

This is the Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project and Mineral Water Project.

Return to Syria and rebuild the country as a Syrian.

As one step, we propose the Syrian Country Reconstruction Mineral Water Project.

Pleading for the end of the conflict in Syria,

For the future economy of migrants and refugees fleeing the conflict zone of Syria, for the new future of Syria
Also, as a peaceful solution for countries that have accepted migrants and refugees European member version
"Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
As the founder representative Koichi Sawada Here we petition for a proposal for a reconstruction and
peaceful future economic growth strategy.

December 6, 2020
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada

A country that holds a certain population value for tens of millions of years and wants to establish a total of food resources.
Countries that want to increase the working population.
The speculations of each
country are also different.

It also leads to population adjustment in countries that accept immigrants and refugees.
The end of conflict』 is essential for the economic recovery of the Syrian country.

European Board of Trustees' Project "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"As the President of the United Nations,
Koichi Sawada,
I have entrusted it to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the 193 member states of the United Nations, the Head of State, and the Head of State.

1.European Board of Trustees' Project "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"Petition for Approval of Resolutions

2.A petition to end the conflict in Syria

3.Reconstruction Petition in Syria

It leads to.

Draft of the Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project and Mineral Water Project

1.Questionnaires for Immigrants and Refugees
  Do you want to return to the country if there is compensation for labor wages as a measure of the current living support fund
    (return to Japan travel expenses and living fund support expenses) on the condition that the conflict ends for immigrants and refugees?

  As it is, do you work in the accepting country as an immigrant or refugee?

2.Results of the questionnaire survey
  Number of people who wish to return to Syria

  Number of people who wish to remain (however, it is assumed that there is also a change as a job)

3.The United Nations and the countries of the world will end the Conflict in Syria.

4.A mineral water factory was built in a camp for migrants and refugees.

Considering the future of migrants and refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria, there are two main options It can be displayed. 
The first is to stay in a country that has bailed out and protected immigrants and refugees,
and re-examining the joys of life (the joy of living) and the joy of working (the joy of working) and life design.

The other is to return to Syria and rebuild the country as a Syrian.

As one step, we propose the Syrian Country Reconstruction Mineral Water Project.

pleading for an end to the conflict in Syria

The future economy of migrants and refugees fleeing conflict zones in Syria,
towards a new future for Syria nas a peaceful solution for countries that have accepted migrants and refugees.

European Board of Trustees' Project "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" 
As the head of the company, Koichi Sawada,

Here is a petition for a reconstruction and peaceful future economic growth strategy.

December 6, 2020
European Board of Trustees' Project "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" 
Koichi Sawada, the president of the company

Mineral water consumption in the world
Europe was the first to commercialize mineral water for the purpose of maintaining good health.

It is the birthplace.In Europe,
because there is a lot of water containing a lot of calcium and magnesium, mineral water is actively used as a source of minerals.

Global mineral water consumption (L)









































































Reference: Euro-Monitor International

Water Environmental Protection for the Future
The protection of the natural environment surrounding water sources will be in the 2020-22nd century,
which is the start of a cycle of questioning the true value.

The 2100 issue is also a global challenge.

Natural destruction that nurtures water sources and illegal dumping of industrial waste into forests.
Protect the pollution of forests and soil around the water collection area.
We agree to make it mandatory to protect the environment around water sources in EU member states.

I feel that it is important to protect the environment of the water collection area of the future and
not to forget the duty of mankind to protect the water source of the future.

As the number of countries and companies (dividers) of the Syrian Country Reconstruction Mineral Water Project increases,
environmental protection in future watering areas will also protect the water sources of the future.

We are keenly aware that technological innovation that changes seawater into water is also necessary for the survival of the earth.

Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project Mineral Water Project Adaptation Countries and Companies

Country of origin



Name of the product


Mineral water

import sales companies

Willow Wate


Mineral water

are different,Omit



Mineral water




Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water

San Benedetto


Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water

Sant Aniol


Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water

Bella Fontais


Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water

Ensinger Sport Classic

Country of origin



Name of the product


Mineral water

import sales companies



Mineral water

are different,Omit



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water

5年間災害備蓄用PET bottles(強度増)


Mineral water

Recycled lightweight PET bottlesいろはす


Mineral water



Mineral water 

天然水 南アルプス


Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water



Mineral water


Immigrants ・Refugees

Member states of the European Union

Mineral water


Mineral water


Mineral water


Mineral water


Mineral water


Mineral water

Medical efficacy of mineral water
Minerals are classified into two major categories, one of which is required to take more than 100mg a day,
which is called a"macro mineral.

" The other is called "trace mineral" because it plays a role in very small intakes.
Of the minerals contained in mineral water, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are
"macro minerals" that are essential for maintaining human health and youth youth.

First calcium is a component of bones and teeth and has the effect of aiding neurotransmission and hormone secretion.
It is also necessary for the coagulation action of blood, and it is also useful for preventing various lifestyle-related diseases.
Magnesium, like calcium, is a mineral that is a component of bones and teeth and has the effect of encouraging the action of enzymes in the body.
In addition, because it regulates the movement of nerves and muscles,
it can be expected to calm nerve excitement and prevent muscle spasms and rigidness.
Sodium is a mineral that regulates the amount of fluid and paher (pH), which helps maintain the motor function of the muscles normally and
prevents hypotension, but it is also a mineral that causes lifestyle-related diseases if you take too much.
Potassium is a mineral that is present in many cells and has the effect of regulating osmotic pressure and accumulating energy.
It is useful for preventing high blood pressure and preventing the occurrence of heart disease.

If these four minerals are insufficient in the body,
the organizing function will be insufficient, and you may become tired, irritated, or unstable.

Therefore, it is important to take these in a well-balanced way for your health.

In Europe, the medical efficacy of mineral water is recognized, and treatment of diseases using it is widely used.
In France, europe's most hydrotherapy-free country, medical thermarism using mineral water is recognized as a medical practice.
The medical efficacy of mineral water is divided into 12 items, and each water is certified after a medical and
clinical investigation into which disease it is effective against.

The 12 items are"digestive diseases", "rheumatism",
"liver and urology", "oral tongue mucosa", "skin", "cardiogenic disease", "nervous system", "venous thrombus",
"heart and artery", "child disease and stunted growth","respiratory system disease",
"female disease". (See Mineral Water Book)

Water Environmental Protection for the Future
The protection of the natural environment surrounding water sources is also a challenge for the world in the 21st century.
Natural destruction that nurtures water sources and illegal dumping of industrial waste into forests.
Protect the pollution of forests and soil around the water collection area.
We agree to make it mandatory to protect the environment around water sources in EU member states.

I feel that it is important to protect the environment of the water collection area of the future and
not to forget the duty of mankind to protect the water source of the future.

In the world, some developing countries are not blessed with water. While protecting water sources,
countries with water shortages In order to create wells and protect limited water sources,
isn't it also essential to decentralize water sources?

Mineral water plant
It is not easy to build a mineral water plant in a camp for migrants and refugees.
However, it is not easy for many immigrants and refugees to move to factories.

It is not possible to introduce a robot arm or advanced machine, but as an advantage
that there are many people,Human wave tactics 
It is the biggest advantage for the construction of the Mineral Wetter plant.

It is not necessary to arrange personnel who are demilettes. Ordering from around the world Lead time will also be shorter.
To ship to the world, to do the sea tactics, immigrants and refugees Building a factory in a camp is a great advantage.

Immigrant and Refugee Camp Hypotheses Housing Construction
When building a mineral water plant, the current tent camp Construction of Hypotheses Housing for Migrants and
Refugees camps on stage with consideration for health and hygiene Do.

Two stories? Three stories?

If you have a large land area, is it a hypotheses house in the suburbs?

While listening to the opinions of experts, in conjunction with the construction of a mineral water plant,
Build a hypotheses house.

To gain the pleasure of working solidly and to improve the life design.In the future,
Syrians who want to return to Syria will have a desire to work with the goal of rebuilding their home country.

Syrians who want to remain, while improving their future life design, from the current hypotheses housing
It leads to the next stage.

From here, Koichi Sawada and team members of the European Board of Trustees'
"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project will be separated and how far will migrants and refugees be involved?
(1)  Boxed
(2) Packaging wrapping
(3) Shipping etc.

It is best to chair mineral water companies in the world with a high level of expertise as the chair of mineral water projects such as shipping.
(Several members of the European Board of Trustees for Mineral Water Projects,
"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project members remain as members.)

To operate a mineral water project and a hypotheses house and factory for immigrants and refugees,
It is important to implement a long-term business plan (more than 10 years).

In order to do so, orders from 193 member countries around the world and
The number of cycle orders will lead to the end of war and conflict in Syria,

The light of hope for a bright future comes into view.

Use of mineral water at national, government, and local government meetings.

Mineral water produced by migrants and refugees in factories by each person in the world's countries
One will end the war and conflict in Syria, stability of the lives of migrants and refugees,
and the cost of transferring migrants and refugees returning to Syria. President of the European Council's
"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Koichi Sawada and team members got a mineral water project There is no reward for profit.

It will be a conscientious reward due to the construction and labor costs of the world's highly specialized mineral and
water companies involved, as well as living funds for migrants and refugees in the future.

The amount of the estimated profit value of the project will be negotiated with each country's challenges
(Mineral Water Project) as a card for the European Board of Trustees'
"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.

Sanitation and Crisis Management at Mineral Water Plants
The Mineral Water Factory is a food factory and needs to manage the hygiene of personal hygiene.
In combination with this, there is also an advantage that hygiene management and health management
by hypotheses housing of immigrants and refugees can also be confirmed. In the current situation,
prevention of new coronavirus infection will be the most important issue.

Sufficient hand washing. Even if there is an injuries to the hand, there is a possibility of bacterial contamination,
and careful attention should be paid.

If you wear gloves, there is no problem in the process work. Are you in good shape?

Mixed in mineral water  Do you have any accessories or metal?

Etc., is the nail not stretched?  

Where's the axe?

Work clothes with a sense of cleanliness?

Thorough hygiene management by individuals is also important.

Different countries have different rules.

Education schedule and ventilation by preventing new coronavirus infection when entering the factory.

Make the toilet a clean and hygienic environment at all time.
Cleaning is always required.It is necessary to make rules.
need an environment that reduces cluster occurrence.

Cleaning the outer circumference of the factory is also a litter of bacteria,
empty cans and cigarettes from weeds.

In order to do so, inspection and auditing are necessary.

Inspections and audits
1.Basic policy of the factory

2.Crisis Management

3.Management of the entire factory

4.Development of manuals and regulations

5.Quality control

6.Facilities and Workers

7.Bookkeeping status

8.Toilet room Management

9.Use Management Status

You must also manage the quality for a certain period of time before shipping.

1.Quality control at the Mineral Water Project Plant

2.Causes of accidents (physical, scientific, biological hazards, harmful animals)

3.Quality control at the time of factory design (factory process)

4.Quality control during the design of mineral and water products

5.Day-to-day management

6.Daily management regulations and manual management

7.Quality control during day-to-day management (individual hygiene status
  of workers, personal hygiene and bacterial testing during work)

8.Environmental issues (environmental policy, drainage status, noise, odor problems, waste disposal)

9.Claims processin

10.Education required at the factory

40% of immigrants and refugees want to return to their home country of Syria?
The following URL is available in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011.
It is Data in recovery and reconstruction. For 40% of those who have returned, those who have not yet decided
60% of the total.
There are still 30,000 people in temporary housing. 13,600 people live in prefab.

If the war and the conflict of the Syrian country are not made to end now,

If there is no plan to create a city that can accept the returnees of migrants and refugees now,
the war will not end.

The number of returnees is also determined.

The period of instability will take more than a decade in 2020.It can be predicted.

Depreciation and amortization at the plant 15-17 years Service life 38 years
It is not easy to build hypotheses houses and factories.

There is also a concept from people and the economy,
If you don't think about the life of the factory, you'll lose, and on the other hand,
you'll be able to get migrants and refugees back home.

I can't ride the wave of international situation.

From the international situation, we must think about the reconstruction of Syria.

I am keenly aware that the Mineral Water Project is the right strategy.

Example SCG GROUP Inc. Robot depreciation and amortization of plant
(total cost 2.0 billion steel-reinforced concrete)

 (One for factory use and warehouse (for general use) useful life 38 years)

          - Factory of the acquisition price -

(1) factory body (unmanned cleaning function corresponding design) 11 170 million yen

(2) Plumbing 70 million yen

(3) cooling, heating, ventilation equipment 180 million yen

(4) boiler-pool equipment 50 million yen

(5) lift (horizontal-type moving walkways) Capital 120 million yen

(6) Machinery (Special Robot manufacturing support) 410 million yen

A total of 20 billion yen

Depreciation and amortization of plant
1. Building (steel-reinforced concrete building: amortized over the useful life of 50 years straight-line method 
                       (20 billion -2 billion) × 0.045 = 8,100 million yen

2. Calculation of when divided the building and fixtures (straight-line method of just building)

  (1) Building (11 170 million yen -1 217 million yen) ×  0.045 4,738 million yen

  (2) Plumbing (useful life 15 years)    70 million yen × 0.142 =   994 million yen

  (3) cooling, heating, ventilation equipment (useful life 15 years)
180 million yen × 0.142 =  2,556 million  yen

  (4) boilers and pool equipment (useful life 15 years)
                  50 million yen × 0.142 =  710 million yen

  (5) lift (horizontal type moving walkway) equipment (useful life 17 years)
                                         120 million yen × 0.127 = 1.524 million yen

 (6) Machinery (Special Robot manufacturing corresponding) (useful life 15 years)
                                         410 million yen × 0.142 = 5,822 million yen

 The total amount of depreciation and amortization ((1) to (6) up to)
100 million 6,343 million yen

                Estimate of the cost of the Syrian Reconstruction
                 Mineral Water Project

1.End of the conflict in Syria
  Leaders of the United Nations and the world's countries

2.Constructed a mineral water plant to be used in conjunction with migrant and
  refugee hypothesized housing at the location of immigration and refugee camps
 We entrust manufacturing line processes, safety aspects, hygiene, and crisis management processes
   that are not dense due to the prevention of new coronavirus infection to experts and current Mineral Water Co., Ltd.
   as the center of the project. As a result, migrants and refugees can temporarily live in hypotheses housing,
   even in difficult situations where they live outside the camp.

3.Mineral water made in factories sold to countries around the world
 As a special case, we will eliminate the duty on mineral water supplies and use them as beverages at meetings in countries,
   governments, states, provinces, municipalities, and companies around the world, as well as emergency preserved water.

4.Construction of mineral water Syrian plant with proceeds
  + Syrians who want to return to Syria
 Measures for living support money
    (return to Japan travel expenses and living fund support expenses) to the first team.

5.Reconstructing the joys of life (the joy of living) and the joy of working (the joy of working) life and
  life design of Syrians who want to return home with the second and third camps.

Economic Reconstruction of The Syrian State and the Return of Migrants and Refugee
Mineral Water Project Cost Estimates

Mineral Waters Project Resolutions and Approvals
                                      Budgeting expenses         € ▲   However, budgeted expenses will be repaid.

Project team meeting costs participating in related countries(※Digital Conferences

Estimating the cost of building a factory       (                  € ▲                         )

Estimating the cost of building temporary housing for immigrants and refugees
                               (                  €                          )

Estimate of labor costs for migrants and refugees
                                     50% at the start-up of the factory    €                          )

Cost of reducing the protection of immigrants and refugees
                                         50% reduction at the start-up of the plant                          )
                        Protection costs will be reduced by 50%, but living funds will be maintained at 50% salary.

Elimination of tariffs                           
(※Calculation of the estimated amount and the ratio of the estimated amount of thecurrent tariff based on the following expenses

Order (Request for cooperation from 193 Member States of the United Nations)

  Shipments from all over the world4 billion × four times a × 30 years
Estimate of the shipment amount €+ €480,000,000,000~€1,440,000,000,000

10 billion people (population in 2050) ÷2 (approximately half of the population) - 1 billion people (developing countries that are not supplied with safe water)
- 4 billion people × times a year (shipping) ×30 years (expected to expand the number of shipments)

Example of estimating the amount of shipped sales

500ml per bottle: 1 (120 yen) 3 (360 yen)
480,000,000,000~€1,440,000,000,000(Year € 16,000,000,000   ~ € 48,000,000,000  )
                               (Year \ 57,600,000,000,000\172,800,000,000,000

As for the upper limit, the medical efficacy of mineral water and emergency storage water 
  High-quality water that can be stored for a long period of time. 2 months to 3 months by sea

Estimate of labor costs for migrants and refugees 
100% full payment  €                   )
(100% full compensation will be paid to immigrants and refugees.)

Declining protection of immigrants and refugees and accepting transfer documents
  From this, the reward obtained by labor makes you feel the joy of working mentally and physically,

Returning to Syria's reconstruction and home country,
or remaining there and opening the door to the establishment of future life desig

Expenses for declining protection of immigrants and refugees and reducing transfers  
The remaining 50% of the payment fee is declined.           €                   )
Taking into account the financial burden of the government, the government has converted migrants and refugees as citizens who can work.

In addition, according to long-term shipment forecasts from around the world,
transportation expenses for those who wish to return to Syria
 It will be managed by salary deduction.

Constant profit-paying expenses to project private companies(€                   )

Distribution of mineral water to 1.1 billion people in developing countries 
                                     (€                   )

It is the minimum necessary living base for human life, such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and education.
 About one-sixth of the world's population, 1.1 billion people, are not supplied with safe water.

Project budgeted expenses                                      (€ +                           )

See material: SCG Sawada Consulting Group, Financial DATA Co., Ltd. Reference

Assuming that there are 11 million migrants and refugees in Syria,
Assuming that 40% of those who wish to return to Syria are 11 million people x 0.4 = 4.4 million people.

Number of returnees to Syria 4,400,000 ÷ Number of seats per airplane 200 seats = 22,000. 

Flying requires 22,000 flights.

On the return flight, mineral water supplies manufactured at the Syrian factory ordered from all over the world
will be loaded and transported to the contracted country.

If the environment and cost are taken into consideration (Corona sickness: 100 seats in social distance),
44,000 flights will be required.

The current decrease in sales and profits of airlines is expected to increase.

It is also a pillar of the long-term management strategy of airlines.

It leads to strategic benefits from land, sea and air.

Strategic benefits from Land and Sea

Immigrants who have fled Syria must clear the mineral water project as a project response
for those who want to return to their home countries.

If the mineral water project can be started in 2023,
freight transportation in land and ship containers in European member countries will be on the rise in 2025.

Freight transportation (cargo that transports mineral water PET bottles made by Syrian migrants at factories by land,
sea and air as a project response for those who want to return to their home countries after migrants fleeing Syria)

Immigrants who have fled Syria will have jobs and rewards as drivers and workers on land, sea and air until they return to their home countries.

In addition, if negotiations for a mineral water project are concluded with countries other than the 27 European member countries,
which are struggling with empty container transportation due to a shortage of containers
(import ・ export trade due to lack of logistics), it will lead to strategic benefits.

Logistics transportation by land, sea and air will be built for 30 years until 2050.

This is the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.

This is a mineral water project.For that purpose, the search for
【land, sea and air bubble method distribution route model theory】 Foreign demand diplomacy is important as an effective strategy.

Added on January 11, 2022

Final destination
The final destination is an area where many related companies are born and become a major base.

Among the GROUPs of affiliated companies, if medical professionals take the lead,
In addition to the problem of infection with the new coronavirus, diseases in Syria
As a place for persons with physical disabilities due to the civil war,
there are areas leading to hospital establishment, infectious disease research institute,
infectious disease information center and disability rehabilitation center.

It will be a pillar of economic recovery that will allow us to return to a peaceful country after the conflict is over.
Hydrogen is produced from water, and the carbon sheet with a three-dimensional structure uses hydrogen energy to generate hydrogen.

It can be reborn as a low-carbon country Syria.

This is the Syrian Economic Reconstruction Project and Mineral Water Project.
Return to Syria and rebuild the country as a Syrian.

The 2030 Agenda was unanimously adopted at the United Nations Sustainable
Development Summit held at the United Nations Headquarters between September 25 and 27, 2015.
The SDGs are also the SDGs, which set goals for a sustainable world

where no one in the world will be left behind in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030.

European Member Edition "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth StrategyEUS50" Project and 
I would like to plead and make a statement on the
Syrian Country Reconstruction Minerals Water Project.

December 6, 2020

European Board of Trustees' Project"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50
Founder representative Koichi Sawada

To the 193 member states of the United Nations,

national monarchs and former heads of stateEuropean member version
"Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project Resolution approval petition

December 6, 2020
                                           European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
                                           Founder representative    Koichi Sawada

We plead for the approval of the resolution in the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.

To the 193 member states of the United Nations,
national monarchs and former heads of state

Petition for End of Conflict in Syria

                                           December 6, 2020
                                           European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project    
                                           Founder representative  Koichi Sawada

We hereby plead for the end of the conflict in Syria.
To the 193 member states of the United Nations,
national monarchs and former heads of state

Reconstruction petition in Syria

    December 6, 2020
                                             European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
                                             Founder representative
   Koichi Sawada

Pleading for the end of the conflict in Syria,
For the future economy of migrants and refugees fleeing the conflict zone of Syria,
for the new future of Syria 

Also, as a peaceful solution for countries that have accepted migrants and refugees European member version
"Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project 
As the founder representative Koichi Sawada
Here we petition for a proposal for a reconstruction and
peaceful future economic growth strategy.

   Mineral water project distributor contract draft document sent

To António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres  UN Secretary General Excellency  

    Tracking number 272503498326


To European Union Charles Michel President Excellency

    Tracking number 272503498330


To European Union Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen Chairman Excellency    

    Tracking number 272503498083

Regarding Articles 10 and 14,The United Nations (United Nations 193 member countries), the vulnerable (immigrants and refugees),
and the President of Syria,
I think it is a humanitarian support clause in the international community that you can understand and understand.